
Let us know about changes in transportation. Here's information about buses, car riders, walkers.

Routines and Family Plans

It is understood that there are times when changes need to be made to the way a student will be dismissed at the end of the day. To ensure student safety and to eliminate dismissal confusion it is requested that these changes be reported to the school NO LATER THAN 2:00 PM Monday-Friday.

Kiss and Ride

(8:15–8:25 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.)

Kiss and Ride Lane (Entrance 3)

The Kiss and Ride lane was established to preserve students’ safety. As you enter the parking lot, the lanes divide. The “through traffic” lane was created for those who wish to park in a parking space. This is a one -way traffic flow pattern. The lane to the right has been designated as the Kiss and Ride drop-off area. Six or seven cars will be able to unload simultaneously. In the afternoon students will be released at 3:30.

  • Drop off and pick up your child only in the Kiss and Ride traffic pattern.
  • Students are not permitted to exit cars before they enter into the drop-off area.
  • Pull your car forward as far as possible in the line.
  • Your child should be ready to exit and goodbyes should be kept brief.
  • Make sure that your child exits your car on the building side.
  • Exit the Kiss and Ride lane promptly after unloading.
  • Do not pass other cars in line.
  • If your child needs assistance carrying something inside or getting something out of the car please park and walk your child into the building.

Bicycle/Walking Safety

Recognizing the health benefits, FCPS encourages parents to consider having their children walk and/or ride a bicycle to and from school using existing infrastructure. This parental decision is not subject to review by the principal. The unique procedures for kindergarten students are addressed in the current version of Regulation 8617, Student Transportation – Eligibility, Routes, and Schedules.


In the interest of student safety and age responsibility, we maintain the following school policy. Students in grades 4-5 only are permitted to ride bicycles to school. All bicycle riders are asked to walk their bicycles up and down the hill on Heming Court and keep their bikes locked. The bicycle rack is located outside entrance 11. Helmets are required. Students are NOT ALLOWED TO USE scooters/skateboards, roller blades/skates or Heely’s™ on school grounds nor are they to be kept at school during the day.


Walking students must use designated paths, sidewalks, or the crosswalk where safety patrols are stationed.

Bus Riders

FCPS provides bus transportation for students who reside more than a mile from the school. Bus riders should follow these guidelines:

  • Refrain from crossing or playing on private property.
  • Cooperate with the safety patrols and obey the bus drivers.
  • Arrive at the bus stop five to ten minutes before the scheduled pick-up time.
  • Remain seated and talk quietly after boarding the bus.

Procedures for safe transportation are discussed with all students at the beginning of the school year. It is also important that parents review with their children the information included on the form provided to all students who use school transportation. Parents’ reinforcement of the rules for safe loading and unloading of buses and of standards for behavior on buses and at bus stops is essential and will promote safety. Student failure to exhibit acceptable standards of conduct while riding a school bus can result in a suspension of bus transportation.

Kindergarten Parents: For your child’s safety, a parent, daycare provider, designated adult, or a sibling in 7th grade or higher is required to meet your child at the bus stop/bus door. If such person is not at the bus stop/bus door, the child will be returned to school.

Parking and Picking Up Children

Virginia state law forbids the passing of a school bus that is loading or unloading children. We do not allow parking in front of the school during arrival and dismissal. Avoid parking in front of the school after 2:50 p.m. Please use the crosswalk when bringing your child into the school or picking them up.

Going Home with Another Student

In the interest of safety, we ask parents to make after school plans before students arrive at school for the day. Students are not permitted to use office phones to make after school arrangements. A student requesting to go home with a friend after school must present written permission from his or her parent, and the friend's parent must also give written permission. Both children must have notes. The notes should be given to the teacher and the office will issue the appropriate bus/walk pass. If notes are not received from both parents, children will be sent home their usual way.

Safety Patrols

Our student safety patrols, composed of fourth and fifth-grade students, monitor the Kiss and Ride area and provide monitoring of walkers’ main routes. They also assist with bus riders and walkers during arrival/dismissal of students. An adult is present with these students on school grounds during the morning and afternoon. Our patrol sponsor is Ms. Suzanne Metz.